fairy wand cover girl 2364

For children planning to dress up as an enchanted fairy (such as Tinkerbell) for Halloween, a fairy wand is an absolute must to complete the costume. Here are instructions for an easy do-it-yourself fairy wand, using minimal materials. To add sparkle, check your jewelry box for a single dangly earring whose match is lost or a single crystal from a long-forgotten light fixture.


18-gauge craft wire in gold or colored anodized aluminum

Four-inch cookie cutter (we used a star)

Wire cutters

Dangly earring or a crystal with a hole for threading

1/8-inch dowel or chopstick

Small packet of crystal sequins (6 or 8 mm)

Ribbon in two coordinating colors


White craft glue

Hot glue gun

Hot glue stick


  1. Leaving a 2” tail, press the craft wire around the exterior of the cookie cutter and mold into shape. Leaving another 2” tail, snip the end of the wire. Remove the cookie cutter and twist the tails together. Repeat to create two of the same shape (ours is a star).
    wand A 2364

  2. Place one star inside the other at a 90-dgree angle and twist the tails together to form a “cage.” 
    wand B 2364

  3. Cut a 5” piece of wire and thread through the earring or crystal. Bend the wire in half, twist and secure the top of the stars together with the ends of this wire, so that the crystal dangles in the center of the stars. Reshape stars, if needed.
    wand C 2364

  4. Glue the tail pieces to the dowel so that the star “cage” sits directly on top of the dowel. 

  5. Glue a few crystals to the top of the star to secure and cover the wired end.

  6. Cut several 6” pieces of ribbon and glue around the top of the wand so that they flow freely. Wrap a longer, 12” piece of ribbon around the tops of these ribbons to cover the glue and wire. Glue a few more crystal sequins for added bling and to cover any unsightly spots. 

  7. Sparingly drizzle some craft glue around the crystal sequins and sprinkle immediately with glitter. Let dry for 4 hours.


Emily Dolton is an artist and mom of two boys who insists sawdust and dirt are simply different types of glitter.

For more costume ideas, visit our Pinterest board at www.pinterest.com/sandiegofamily.  Fairy princess photo by Andy McRory.


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