Don't miss the excitement of the Olympic Games—the premier multi-sporting event in the world! The Summer Olympic Games feature athletes competing from more than 200 countries. Get into the spirit of the Olympic Games by hosting kid-friendly events and family-friendly competitions in your neighborhood. Below are ideas for games, crafts, decorations, food, goody bags and medals at an Olympics-themed party. Discover more specific ideas for celebrating the current Olympic Games at
Archery - Create your own bow and arrows with branches and string or purchase a NERF bow & arrow set at NERF makes several versions—some even shoot water. Test your skills on a homemade paper target.
Volleyball - For a pint-sized version of volleyball, get into crabwalk position and only touch the ball with your feet. Lower the net to just above the players’ heads or use a rope or pool noodles in place of a net. As an alternative, use a balloon or beach ball.
Golf - Challenge friends to a putting obstacle course. Make round golf balls in a circle ice cube tray. Players must get their ball through the obstacle course before it melts. Use mini cones, boxes or croquet hoops to make the course more challenging.
Basketball - Have a 3-on-3 tournament with neighborhood families in the driveway. Or show off basketball tricks in a fun game of Horse.
Sailing - This game requires a kiddie pool and sailboats made of pool noodles and paper sails. Opponents take turns waving their boat across the pool with a paper fan (to create a breeze). Keep time to see whose boat is the fastest.
Shooting - Fill water guns with colored water. Players aim their water guns at a white cloth target to see who has the best shot. If it's warm outside, use human targets wearing white t-shirts. Alternatively, players can use NERF guns to knock over plastic cups and reveal a prize inside.
Find inexpensive decorations at the dollar store. Use colored tissue paper to create flames inside vases. Drape colored plastic tablecloths on walls. Wrap Olympic-colored yarn (blue, black, red, yellow, green) around foam wreaths to create Olympic rings. Use construction paper to create paper garland flags to hang at points of interest.
Make a buffet of Olympic-colored fruits, veggies and Jell-O. Offer (or have a potluck with) food from around the world. Consider a taco or pasta bar.Goody Bags
Fill reusable water bottles with Goldfish crackers, chocolate gold coins or other gold-wrapped candy. Find a variety of international games buttons, flags and jewelry that will complete your Olympic-themed bags.
Medals or Trophies
Make trophies by painting plastic wine classes in silver and gold and gluing each to a cardboard base. Or create medals by attaching ribbon to silver and gold candy, cookies sprayed with Wilton Color Mist, or “gold” discs made with Perler beads or felt.
Pam Molnar is a freelance writer and mother of three.