Expecting twins or multiples? Who better to provide expert advice than local twin parents! Here are helpful tips for twin parents-to-be from experienced San Diego moms who have already walked the path.
While Pregnant
- Plan ahead. Ask for help from friends and family to cook, clean, do laundry and run errands for the first few months.
- Don’t be afraid of pregnancy and the birth experience. Ask lots of questions. Being pregnant with twins doesn’t automatically mean you need a C-section. You have options that need to be discussed with your physician. You still get to make decisions.
- Connect with other twin parents as soon as possible. Join a Facebook group or local group, such as San Diego Parents of Twins Club: www.sandiegotwinsclub.com.
- Get lots of sleep now!
- Set up the nursery and pack your hospital bag as early as 6 months.
- Pay for help, if necessary (arrange in advance).
After Baby Comes
- Get the babies on a schedule as soon as possible. Feeding them and putting them down to sleep at the same time is a lifesaver.
- Prep anything you can in advance. Restock the diaper bag every night with diapers, wipes, clothes, etc.
- Don't worry if the house is a mess for a while.
- Take a midday nap if you can.
- Maintain a sense of humor.
Read the article “Twin Bonds: Local families share joys and challenges of having multiples” in the March issue of San Diego Family Magazine.
Thank you to our parent advisors from San Diego Parents of Twins Club: Christine Stewart-Fitzgerald of Carlsbad; Irene Stirling of Torrey Highlands; Lorie Cabuag, Michelle Rosales and Miranda Kurtz of Chula Vista; and Haley Tallman and Colleen Mallen of Serra Mesa.