
Looking for ways to inspire curiosity, encourage exploration and teach problem-solving skills at home? Here are awesome STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) books for kids.


Bake Infinite Pie with X + Y by Eugenia Cheng
Takes STEM concepts and turns them on their heads with an activity that many kids already participate in and enjoy: baking. This fun and colorful picture book teaches kids the simple mathematics behind baking and reassures young readers that this subject can be easy, relatable to real world experiences, and even fun — especially when paired with pie.

61wlZwNwctL. AC UY436 QL65 ML3

The Story of Inventions: A First Book About World-changing Discoveries by Catherine Barr & Steve Williams
The world is brimming full of incredible inventions - but where did it all begin? Journey back in time, travel across the world and discover incredible inventions from throughout history. Written with bitesized pieces of text and illustrated with bright and engaging artwork, this is the perfect introduction to some of the most amazing inventions that have helped make history. Learn fascinating facts about the people behind these inventions and how their discoveries changed the world forever. 

91W7GEq1vL. AC UY436 QL65 ML3

The Kitchen Pantry Scientist: Chemistry for Kids: Homemade Science Experiments and Activities Inspired by Awesome Chemists, Past and Present by Liz Lee Heinecke
Replicate a chemical reaction similar to one Marie Curie used to purify radioactive elements. Distill perfume using a method created in ancient Mesopotamia by a woman named Tapputi. Aspiring chemists will discover these and more amazing role models and memorable experiments.

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Rover Throws a Party: Inspired by NASA’s Curiosity on Mars by Kristin L. Gray
In 2013, NASA programmed their Curiosity rover to hum "Happy Birthday to You" in honor of its first year on Mars. Inspired by this anecdote, this is the tale of a lonely rover and his party, accompanied by fascinating Mars rover facts that help explain the real science behind the story. This fun birthday tale provides an accessible, kid-friendly look at one of NASA's coolest programs.

81P50zLCXPL. AC UY436 QL65 ML3

Physics Animated by Tyler Jorden 
Engage with Newton on gravity and explore mass, lift, friction, and other amazing laws of physics with the most exciting and interactive physics book available for your little genius. This interactive board book invites children to pull the levers, turn the wheels, and watch as an airplane lifts off, a roller coaster zooms around a loop, and a boat floats. Each concept is animated and interactive to introduce and explore some of most important aspects of our physical world. 

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Changing the Equation: 50 Black Women in STEM by Tonya Bolden
This book explores the black women who have changed the world of STEM in America. Including groundbreaking computer scientists, doctors, inventors, physicists, pharmacists, mathematicians, aviators, and many more, this book celebrates more than 50 women who have shattered the glass ceiling, defied racial discrimination, and pioneered in their fields.

91AtoqWGgL. AC UY436 QL65 ML3

100 Easy STEAM Activities: Awesome Hands-On Projects for Aspiring Artists and Engineers by Andrea Scalzo Yi
Spark your curiosity with these fun games and creative projects to learn early concepts in STEAM. Try far-out science experiments like making Shaving Cream Rain Clouds or Lava Lamps. Make math-time snack-time with delicious Cream-Filled Cookie Fractions. Unlock boundless creativity with art projects like Marbled Paper or Monster Bugs. 

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Wildlife Ranger Action Guide: Track, Spot & Provide Healthy Habitat for Creatures Close to Home by Mary Kay Carson
Dozens of hands-on activities and habitat creation projects, such as making a frog pond from a kiddie pool, planting a pollinator garden for bees, painting a bat house, and building a lodge for lizards, encourage children to learn about and take an active role in protecting local wildlife. Lively photographic field guides covering 78 North American wildlife species teach kids about the habits and habitats of each and include tips for providing the plants and food needed for their survival.

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Math Art and Drawing Games for Kids: 40+ Fun Art Projects to Build Amazing Math Skills by Karyn Tripp
An amazing collection of more than 40 hands-on art activities that make learning about math fun. Make pixel art using graph paper, grids, and dot grids, explore projects that teach symmetry with mandala drawings, stained glass rose window art, and more.

71iKHfMOxL. AC UY436 QL65 ML3

Fun and Easy Crafting with Recycled Materials: 60 Cool Projects that Reimagine Paper Rolls, Egg Cartons, Jars and More! by Kimberly McLeod
Transform paper rolls, egg cartons, newspaper and cardboard into colorful decorations, amazing wearable masks, hats and jewelry or even sturdy desk organizers, puzzles and paint palettes. Unleash your imagination with 60 unique crafts including: Homemade Kaleidoscope, Build Your Own Marble Maze, Cool Superhero Mask, Dinosaur Terrarium, Indoor Mini-Garden, Awesome Cardboard Castle.

Looking for more STEM-inspired activities? Find super cool STEM toys and games in our round-up at

Be sure to visit the Family Science section of our website for fun DIY science projects your family can do together at home.

Updated: February 2022

Black History Books for Kids

Black History Books for Kids

February is Black History Month -- does your family have plans to celebrate or acknowledge it? Books are a great way to expose children to various cultures, experiences, and important parts of histo . . .

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Books that Help Children Learn About Civil Rights

Books that Help Children Learn About Civil Rights

The struggle for civil rights and racial equality in the U.S. during the 1950s and 1960s is important for children to learn about. Milestones in The Civil Rights Movement often involve violence, so . . .

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Books that Inspire All Ages

Books that Inspire All Ages

Books that Inspire All Ages. Unique stories about overcoming adversity and how hard work and believing in yourself pay off. Kids will love reading about people who turned their ideas and dreams into . . .

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8 Books Moms Should Read with Their Daughters

8 Books Moms Should Read with Their Daughters

It’s easy for moms to get caught up in daily obligations and never get around to talking about important issues with their daughters. Even if you do find time, sitting down for “a talk” probab . . .

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STEM Books for Kids

STEM Books for Kids

Looking for ways to inspire curiosity, encourage exploration and teach problem-solving skills at home? Here are awesome STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) books for kids. Bake Infin . . .

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Activity Books and Kid Crafts

Activity Books and Kid Crafts

Activity Books and Kid Crafts! Expand your child's creativity and imagination with these diverse craft activities and books for kids of all ages (parents will love them too!). Dowling Magnets$8.5 . . .

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Give the Gift of Good Stories

Give the Gift of Good Stories

Gift Books! From iconic Marvel to Sharks, here are gift books to suit almost any taste. Give the gift of literacy this season. MARVEL Super Hero The Ultimate Pop Up Book by Matthew Reinhart$49.99 . . .

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Books for Kids to Honor AAPI Heritage Month

Books for Kids to Honor AAPI Heritage Month

Introducing children to diverse cultures and encouraging inclusivity should be a year-round endeavor, but there are specific times of the year, such as Asian-American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritag . . .

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Board Books for Babies and Toddlers

Board Books for Babies and Toddlers

Board Books for Babies and Toddlers! These new board books will delight everyone. I’m a Little Snowman by Hannah Eliot$6.99; Simonand Schuster.comWith adorable snowpeople and animal characters, . . .

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