Encinitas Holiday Parade 1060

Festive Christmas and holiday parades are coming back to town in 2024! Take the family to enjoy sparkling lights, stunning floats and sleighloads of ho-ho-holiday cheer!

San Diego Central

FREE Port of San Diego Holiday Bowl Parade. Dec. 27, 10 am. America’s largest balloon parade with marching bands, floats and more. Along Harbor Dr. www.holidaybowl.com

FREE Pacific Beach Holiday Parade: “A Holiday Movie Spectacular.” Floats, Santa and more. Dec. 14, 1–3 pm. Garnet Ave. between Bayard St. & Haines St. www.pacificbeach.org

FREE Mission Bay Boat Parade of Lights. More than 100 decorated vessels take to the water. Dec. 14, 5:30 pm. Starts at SeaWorld with fireworks and ends at The Mission Bay Beach Club. www.discovermissionbay.org

FREE Coronado Holiday Parade & Tree Lighting. Dec. 6, 6 pm. Details: www.coronadochamber.com

FREE La Jolla Christmas Parade & Holiday Festival. “Palm Trees & Poinsettias: A California Christmas” theme. Festival, Dec. 8, 11:30 am–4 pm; parade, 1:30 pm. Girard Ave. www.ljparade.com

FREE San Diego Bay Parade of Lights. Brightly illuminated boats decorated to the theme “Peace on Earth.” Dec. 8 and Dec. 15, 5:30 pm. Starts off Shelter Island, goes through the harbor and ends at the Coronado Ferry Landing. www.sdparadeoflights.org 

Las Posadas. Be immersed in a time-honored celebration that echoes with centuries-old Mexican traditions and the warmth of the holiday season. Dec. 13, 7 pm. Heritage County Park, 2454 Heritage Park Row, Old Town. www.oldtownsandiego.org/lasposadas

Gaslamp Quarter Holiday Pet Parade and Pups in the Pub Party. Pet expo, photo ops, games and more. Dec.  14, 11 am–4 pm; parade, 1 pm. Fifth Ave. www.gaslamp.org 

FREE Ocean Beach Holiday Parade. Dec. 7, 5 pm. Details: https://oceanbeachsandiego.com/resources/local-news/ob-holiday-parade 

FREE Starlight Parade & Festival. Holiday festival, Dec. 14, 3–7 pm; tree lighting, 5:45 pm; parade, 6 pm along Third Ave., downtown Chula Vista. www.starlightparade.com


North County 

FREE Encinitas Holiday Parade: “Creativity in Motion.” Festivities and tree lighting, Dec. 7, 5 pm; parade, 5:30 pm. Coast Hwy. 101 from D St. to J St. www.encinitasca.gov 

FREE 66th Annual Vista Christmas Parade.Dec. 7, 1-3 pm. Historic downtown Vista Village. https://business.vistachamber.org/events/details/66th-annual-vista-christmas-parade-28306

FREE San Marcos Holiday Parade. Dec. 8, 1–3 pm. From Palomar College (Comet Dr.) to the San Marcos Civic Center. www.facebook.com/events/2073675406300498

FREE Fallbrook Christmas Parade. “Festival of Lights” theme with lighted floats, Santa and more. Dec. 7, 5–7 pm. Downtown Main Ave. www.fallbrookchamberofcommerce.org



Updated: November 2024




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