Looking for a fun and educational Black History Month art project to do with kids? Consider this paper weaving craft inspired by traditional Kente cloth of Ghana. Learn about the cultural significance of Kente cloth, then have kids use colorful paper and markers to create their own designs.
Kente cloth is handwoven fabric from the West African country of Ghana, typically made from woven strips of silk and cotton. The colors and patterns have very special meaning to the people of Ghana. Kente is often worn at graduation ceremonies as it symbolizes academic achievement and cultural pride.
Fun fact: In December 2024, UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) included Kente cloth in its category of Intangible Cultural Heritage to highlight it’s cultural and historical significance.
8.5” x 11” Construction paper, patterned paper or cardstock in bright colors
Ruler (optional)
Glue stick
Brightly colored markers and/or paint pens
Note about terminology: “Warp” and “weft” are the two components of weaving. Warp refers to the vertical “threads” (in this case, strips of paper) and weft refers to horizontal threads. The terms are used in the directions below.
Cover your workspace with an opened large paper bag, placemat or plastic cloth. Measurements below are based on the use of 8.5” x 11” cardstock.
- Fold one piece of paper in half like a book. Draw 5–6 evenly spaced lines from the fold about 1–1.5 inches apart, stopping about one inch from the end. See photo for reference.
- Starting from the fold, cut along the lines (not all the way through to the end). This will be the “warp” or vertical weave.
- Open the cut paper and lay it flat.
- Cut six strips of colored paper about 1.5” wide and 8.5” long. These will be the “weft” or horizontal part of the weave.
- You could decorate the paper now (see #8) or wait until weaving is completed.
- To weave the paper, take a strip of paper and place it over the first section, into the slit and out the other side. Continue this over/under pattern to the end of the warp. For the next strip, reverse the pattern by weaving under/over the slits. Continue this over/under and under/over pattern until the warp is full of paper strips.
- Secure the ends of the weft strips with glue.
- If you haven’t decorated the paper yet (see #5), use colored markers to create interesting patterns by drawing shapes and/or lines. See photo for reference.
Optional décor ideas:
- Before gluing strips down, cut thinner strips of paper to weave over the top of the weft strips for additional colors and patterns (such as the blue strips in the photo). Secure with glue when you’re happy with the results.
- Try cutting the warp slits at different intervals or in wavy lines to create a different pattern.
Learn more about Kente cloth with these children’s picture books:
- Threads of Me: Kente for Show and Tell by Erica Asante
- I’m Wrapped in Pride with My Kente by Dora Owusu
- The Spider Weaver: A Legend of Kente Cloth by Margaret Musgrove
Alyssa Navapanich is an award-winning art educator who teaches art to elementary school kids in East San Diego County.