Event & Fundraising Planner 2019
Are you a foundation or PTA board member in charge of fundraising? A Scout leader scheduling this year's field trips? A room parent planning a class party or other group event? These advertisers wan . . .

5 Smart Ways to Raise Funds for your Child’s School
Fundraising is a hot topic right now as finding added income for school programs gets more and more important with budget cuts! (Be sure to read San Diego Family’s article “10 Fun Ways to Raise . . .

Tips on How to Rock Your Next Fundraiser
How to Have a Successful Fundraiser
I have to admit I roll my eyes when I find out it’s fundraising time again. Schools and organizations often hold several fundraisers each year, which ends . . .

How to Raise Money with Online Events
How to raise real money with online events.
Times are tough for schools. As a result, parents often face a stark reality. If they don’t raise funds for library books, technology, team uniforms, . . .

Fabulous Field Trips
With school transportation an ongoing financial issue for many districts, classroom field trips have taken a hit in recent years. Some families are taking it upon themselves to bring learning to life . . .